
If the Magi had asked me along, my gift would have been song …

Song for a Valentine

What better way to return to singing than this song on Valentine’s Day?

Let Every Child

This is a song I wrote for my daughter Cassie at the 1992 Pro-Choice Rally in Washington DC. It was recorded by Planned Parenthood and for years sold through their catalog. Sing along!


I wrote this wedding song for David Willis and Christine Lansdale, two close friends who live in Greece. On very clear days, one can see Mt. Olympus from their house.

Sacré Bleu

I wrote this song for a close colleague, Gordon Glover, when he retired from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation. He used to scream “Sacré Bleu” at the gorgeous sunsets out our office windows.

A Love That You Can’t Let Go By

I wrote this song for the wedding of my friends David Rockefeller Jr. and Susan Cohn. They went through a lot to be together and I wanted to capture the magic of that love.

My Gift For You

I will never forget the moment that I heard/wrote the line “If the Magi had asked me along, my gift would have been song.”

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